Connaissances en santé
Maladies applicables au ventilateur et bon sens
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1Sleep apnea(SA)

       Refers to the disappearance or significant weakening of oral and nasal respiratory airflow during sleep (a decrease of >90% from the baseline), and the duration is ≥10 S.

2Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)

        It means that the airflow in the nose and mouth disappears, and the chest-abdominal breathing still exists. Apnea is caused by upper airway obstruction, but the respiratory drive function of the central nervous system is normal, and the breathing exercise instructions continue to be issued to excite the respiratory muscles, so the chest-abdominal breathing exercises still exist.

3Central sleep apnea(CSA)

       Refers to the disappearance of the nose and mouth airflow and the chest-abdominal breathing simultaneously. It is caused by the dysfunction of the central nervous system, the central nervous system cannot issue effective instructions, the breathing movement disappears, and the airflow of the nose and mouth stops.

4Mixed sleep apnea(MSA)

       It means that during one apnea, the beginning of the oral and nasal airflow disappears at the same time as the chest-abdominal breathing, and the chest-abdominal breathing occurs after a few seconds or tens of seconds, but there is still no oral and nasal airflow. That is, in the process of one apnea, central apnea first appears, and then obstructive apnea appears.


       During sleep, the oronasal airflow is lower than the baseline level by I>30% and accompanied by SaO: a decrease of ≥4%, and the duration is ≥10 S; or the oronasal airflow is lower than the baseline level by I>50% and accompanied by SaO: a decrease of ≥3% , The duration is ≥10 S.

6 Respiratory Effort-Related Arousals(RERA)

      Did not meet the criteria for apnea or hypopnea, but had abnormal breathing effort of ≥10 S with related arousal.

7Apnea hypopnea index,AHI

        Refers to the sum of the average number of apneas and hypopneas per hour.

8Respiratory disturbance index,RDI

      The average number of apneas, hypopneas, and RERA events per hour.


       During 7 hours of sleep per night, apnea and hypopnea recurred more than 30 times, or AHI ≥ 5 times/h. If possible, the RDI shall prevail. Apnea events are mainly obstructive, accompanied by symptoms such as snoring, sleep apnea, and daytime sleepiness.

10The main factors of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

       (1).Obesity: The body weight exceeds 20% or more of the standard body weight, and the body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2.
       (2).Age: The prevalence increases with age in adulthood; the number of female patients after menopause increases, and the prevalence tends to stabilize after the age of 70.
       (3).Gender: The prevalence rate of men during the reproductive period is significantly higher than that of women.
       (4).Anatomical abnormalities of the upper airway: including nasal obstruction (deflection of the nasal septum, turbinate hypertrophy, nasal polyps and nasal tumors, etc.), II. The above tonsillar hypertrophy, loose soft palate, uvula is too long, too thick, pharyngeal cavity stenosis, pharyngeal tumors, pharyngeal cavity mucosal hypertrophy, tongue hypertrophy, tongue base fall, mandibular recession and micrognathia.
       (5).Family history of OSAHS.
       (6).Long-term heavy drinking and (or) taking sedative hypnotic or muscle relaxant drugs.
       (7).Long-term smoking.
       (8).Other related diseases: including hypothyroidism, acromegaly, cardiac insufficiency, stroke, gastroesophageal reflux and neuromuscular diseases.

11Clinical features of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

       Snoring and irregular snoring during night sleep, disturbance of breathing and sleep rhythm, repeated apnea and awakening, or the patient consciously suffocates, nocturia, morning headache, dry mouth, daytime sleepiness, memory loss, severe cases may occur Psychological, intellectual, and behavioral abnormalities; and may be combined with hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, especially slow-fast arrhythmia, pulmonary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, etc., and may have gradual weight gain.

12Judgment basis for the severity of adult OSAHS and the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and/or the degree of hypoxemia

       Be cautious when using a ventilator and choose a high-quality positive airway pressure ventilator, which is beneficial to your health. Sperry family ventilator series are specially designed for people with snoring, with excellent quality and stable performance.

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